
Tingkatkan Permainan eCommerce Anda: Solusi dan Strategi Pemasaran WhatsApp #10 untuk Bisnis di Inggris

gambar yang menunjukkan otomatisasi pemasaran e-niaga whatsapp Inggris dengan solusi saas platform hello24ai

Are you a savvy ecommerce entrepreneur looking to harness the power of WhatsApp automation to supercharge your marketing efforts in the UK?

You’re in the right place!

WhatsApp isn’t just for casual chats anymore—it’s a dynamic platform that can revolutionize the way you engage with your UK customers and drive sales.

In this blog, we’ll explore #10 ecommerce marketing solutions and strategies tailored specifically for the UK market, all achievable through WhatsApp.

Otomasi Pemasaran Solutions for Ecommerce with WhatsApp in the UK:

1. Tailored Customer Support (24/7 x 365 Days)

📌Contoh: A UK-based online health store, offers 1:1 personalised customer support through WhatsApp Chatbot. Their team assists customers with product queries, offers nutritional advice, and provides guidance on choosing the right supplements, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Real-Time Order Updates

📌Contoh: A popular UK fashion retailer, utilizes WhatsApp Shop to send real-time order updates and tracking information to customers. By providing transparency and convenience, they’ve seen a significant reduction in support inquiries and an improvement in overall customer experience.

3. Exclusive Deals and Promotions

📌Contoh: An electronics retailer in the UK, offers exclusive deals and promotions to their WhatsApp subscribers. By sharing limited-time offers and discount codes directly through WhatsApp, they’ve seen a surge in sales and customer engagement.

4. Automated Alerts

📌Contoh: A gourmet food delivery service, sends automated reminders on WhatsApp for abandoned carts and upcoming promotions. These gentle prompts have helped them recover lost sales and increase conversions among their UK audience.

5. Feedback and Review Collection

📌Contoh: A cosmetics brand based in the UK, encourages customers to leave feedback and reviews through WhatsApp after their purchase. Positive reviews have not only enhanced their brand’s reputation, but also influenced potential buyers’ purchasing decisions and increased product referrals.

✅PRO TIP: Check out hello24ai whatsapp marketing software for United Kingdom’s Shopify (tautan) dan WooCommerce (tautan) situs WordPress

picture showing whatsapp marketing automation planform of hello24ai

Marketing Automation Strategies for Ecommerce with Pemasaran WhatsApp in the UK:

1. Auto Sync Engaging Product Catalog

📌Contoh: A UK-based home decor store, uses Toko WhatsApp to create an interactive product catalog for their customers. By sharing product images, videos, and descriptions, they’ve enhanced the shopping experience and increased sales.

2. Loyalty Reward Programs

📌Contoh: A sportswear retailer in the UK, runs a WhatsApp (opt-in only) based loyalty program offering exclusive discounts and early access to sales. This has fostered customer loyalty and encouraged repeat purchases.

3. Collaborative Opportunities

📌Contoh: A gardening supplies store, collaborates with influencers and gardening enthusiasts in the UK and in turn promotes its products on their WhatsApp channels. By partnering for joint promotions and sharing gardening tips, they’ve expanded their reach and attracted new customers organically.

4. Valuable Content Distribution

📌Contoh: A wellness brand, shares valuable content such as blog posts and healthy recipes only with their WhatsApp subscribers in the UK. This not only positions them as an authority in their niche but also keeps their audience engaged and informed, plus increases the brand stickiness.

5. Customer Surveys and Opinion Polls

📌Contoh: A UK-based home goods store, conducts surveys and polls via Formulir WhatsApp to gather insights from their customers. This feedback has helped them tailor their marketing strategies effectively, resulting in higher engagement and satisfaction levels.

gambar yang menunjukkan 5 Strategi Pemasaran WhatsApp yang Membunuh DARI HELLO24AI untuk Menggandakan Pendapatan Anda di tahun 2024

Unlocking WhatsApp’s power for your UK ecommerce business is essential for growth.

From hyper-personalized 1:1 customer support to spark promoting exclusive deals, it’s a game-changer.

Pesan demo gratis now and elevate your business to new heights.

Don’t wait—act now!

gambar Klien yang Menjadi Besar di Tahun 2023 Dengan hello24ai

Tentang Hello24.ai

Hello24.ai adalah platform perdagangan percakapan yang membantu perusahaan melibatkan pelanggan di WhatsApp. Platform kami memungkinkan Anda untuk 

  • Gandakan penjualan Anda dengan penjualan WhatsApp terpandu
  • Dapatkan 10x ROAS untuk pembelanjaan pemasaran
  • Otomatiskan permintaan dukungan pelanggan

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