
Engage & Score
your Lead instantly with WhatsApp Automation

Gain comprehensive insights about your lead prior to the sales agent’s call to establish a warm and engaging connection that persists until they are connected via the Lead Qualification feature of Hello24 WhatsApp Automation.

picture showing video document whatsapp broadcast message by hello24ai

Save 50%
Customer Support Cost

Reduce customer support costs by 50% through chatbot automation & multi-agent inbox (CRM-Chat Studio)

5x more ROI
on Marketing spend

Get 5x more ROI on WhatsApp marketing spend compared to traditional digital ad spends

Capture 100% of leads from your digital marketing campaigns

Get phone numbers of your lead who engage with your ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, Linkedin etc. with WhatsApp Automation

Accelerate your lead generation velocity 10x
picture showing hello24 lead qualification on whatsapp
picture showing hello24 lead qualification on whatsapp

Engage with your leads instantly

  • Know more about your leads before your sales agent connects with them on a call.
  • Keep your leads active with WhatsApp automation until a sales agent connects with them.

Scale up your lead conversion via conversations

Multi-Agent inbox for your team to collaborate and scale your lead engagement.

  • Topic based agent routing.
  • Seamless chatbot to agent hand-over.
  • Agent Workflow Analytics.
  • Share-a-cart feature to quick share products.
  • Quick share content and add a customer to a specific group/segment for marketing campaigns
Improve your customer experience by 4x

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Get 3x qualified leads with the Hello24 WhatsApp Automation now!