Hello24ai’s WhatsApp Plugin for WordPress (WooCommerce): The Missing Piece in Your Website

picture showing hello24ai's Whatsapp plugin for wordpress

Hello24.ai is a SAAS company that offers a suite of WhatsApp chatbot marketing and automation platform for eCommerce businesses looking to streamline their customer engagement efforts. Their standout product is the Whatsapp marketing and automation plugin, which is designed specifically for users owning an ecommerce business built on a WooCommerce WordPress website.

For those who are unfamiliar with WooCommerce. It is a popular open-source plugin for WordPress that allows brands to set up online stores and sell products directly to customers. By integrating with this platform, Hello24.ai’s Whatsapp marketing and automation plugin can help businesses re-engage with their customers more effectively, send instant order confirmation notifications, new product offers, and even recover abandoned carts.

📌One of the key features of the hello24ai plugin is its ability to send personalized automated messages to your customers who have abandoned their carts. 

This is a powerful tool for businesses, as it allows them to recover lost sales and reduce cart abandonment rates. WhatsApp messaging platform helps businesses to reach customers directly on their mobile devices, which is often the preferred communication method.

Secondly, for cart recovery, the Hello24.ai plugin also offers a range of other automation features. 

For example, businesses can set up automated messages to be sent to customers after they make a purchase, thanking them for their business and providing them with additional information about their order. This can help improve customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty.

📌Another useful feature of Hello24ai’s WordPress WooCommerce plugin for WhatsApp is:-

It’s the ability to send targeted marketing messages to customers based on their browsing and purchasing history. By analyzing customer data, businesses can identify which products are most popular and create targeted marketing campaigns to promote those products specifically. This can help increase sales and drive revenue growth by at least 3x.

woocommerce whatsapp order notification

❇️Pro Tip: Try out the hello24ai’s WordPress (WooCommerce) WhatsApp Chatbot Plugin🔗 Download Now

📌The Hello24.ai Whatsapp plugin for WordPress also offers a wide range of customization options:- 

Allowing businesses to tailor their messages to their brand tone and target audience. From customizing message templates to setting up automated campaigns. Businesses have full control over how they want to engage with their customers through WhatsApp.

For example, if a customer has bought a specific product multiple times in the past, businesses can send a personalized message to that customer offering a discount or promotion to encourage them to repeat the purchase.

📌Let’s explore why WooCommerce WordPress eCommerce brands should use Hello24ai’s WhatsApp marketing and automation plugin:- 

#1) Abandoned Cart🛒 Recovery

Now one of the most significant challenges ecommerce businesses face is abandoned carts. Customers who add items to their shopping cart. But don’t complete the checkout process can cost businesses a lot of potential revenue. However, with Hello24ai’s WhatsApp Chat Plugin for WooCommerce, businesses can set up instant automated messages to be sent to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts. These messages can offer incentives or reminders to encourage the customer to complete the purchase, helping to recover lost sales and increase revenue.

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#2) Personalized Messaging

Personalization is key to creating a positive customer experience, and it’s no different when it comes to marketing. Hello24.ai’s plugin allows businesses to send personalized messages to customers based on their browsing and purchasing behavior. For example, suppose a customer has viewed a specific product multiple times but hasn’t made a purchase. In that case, businesses can send a personalized message to that customer offering a discount or promotion to encourage them to complete the purchase. This level of personalization can help build customer loyalty and increase sales conversions.

#3) Automated Follow-Up Messages

Post-purchase follow-ups are essential for customer satisfaction and encouraging repeat business. However, manually sending follow-up messages to every customer can be time-consuming. With Hello24.ai’s plugin, businesses can set up automated messages to be sent to customers after they have made a purchase. These messages can be used to thank customers for their purchases, ask for feedback, or promote related products and services. By automating these messages, businesses can save time and resources, while still keeping customers engaged and informed.

💡 Let your Digital Marketing team try Hello24ai WhatsApp marketing and automation platform Get Plugin Here or Get On A Call With Our eCommerce specialist.

#4) Analytics and Reporting

The Hello24.ai plugin includes powerful analytics and reporting tools, allowing businesses to track the success of their marketing efforts. With these tools, businesses can measure key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This data can be used to refine marketing campaigns and improve overall performance.

picture showing whatsapp analytics of the hello24.ai's whatsapp plugin for wordpress

#5) Customization Options

Every business is unique, and marketing strategies should reflect that. Hello24.ai’s plugin offers a wide range of customization options, allowing brands to personalize messages to their brand and target audience. From customizing message templates to setting up automated campaigns, brands have full control over engagement with their customers through WhatsApp. This level of customization can help businesses stand out from their competitors and create a more memorable customer experience.

#6) Boost Customer Engagement

Using WhatsApp as a marketing and engagement tool can be a game-changer for businesses. WhatsApp has over 2 billion active users worldwide, making it an incredibly popular messaging app. By using WhatsApp to engage with customers, businesses can reach a mass audience and create a more personal connection with them. Hello24.ai’s plugin makes it easy to automate marketing tasks, allowing businesses to focus on creating meaningful interactions with their customers.

picture showing whatsapp engagementof the hello24.ai's whatsapp plugin for wordpress

#7) Marketing Campaigns

Hello24.ai plugin provides customization options for businesses to personalize their messages for their brand and audience. From customizing message templates to setting up automated campaigns, businesses have full control over how they engage with their customers through WhatsApp.

With the plugin’s campaign management feature, businesses can set up and manage marketing campaigns directly from their single sign-on dashboard. This feature includes advanced targeting options, allowing brands to target a mass customer base with tailored messages and promotions.

#8) Integration with WooCommerce Website

The Hello24.ai plugin is designed specifically for e-commerce brands using WooCommerce, the popular WordPress plugin for building online stores. Businesses can easily manage their WhatsApp marketing and automation efforts from their WooCommerce dashboard through this integration.

Moreover, the plugin is easy to install and use, and it works seamlessly with the WooCommerce platform. This means that businesses can quickly get started with their WhatsApp marketing efforts without requiring significant technical expertise.

📌 Please note – you will have to register a mobile number on the WhatsApp API. Post which to completely use the Hello24.ai Message broadcast feature, Chat Studio, WhatsApp ChatBot, etc.

picture showing whatsapp engagementof the hello24.ai's whatsapp plugin for wordpress

📌Final Thoughts on Hello24ai’s WhatsApp plugin for WordPress!

The Hello24.ai WhatsApp marketing and automation plugin is a valuable tool for eCommerce businesses operating on WooCommerce WordPress websites. Its features include cart recovery, personalized messaging, marketing automation, 24/7 customer support, and campaign management.

These features enable businesses to engage with their customers on a personal level, increase sales conversions, and save time. The plugin is easy to install and use. Its wide range of customization options and cross-platform compatibility make it a valuable asset for businesses operating in markets globally.

🚀Get Customer Support 24/7 x 365 days via Chat Studio

Brands commonly use WhatsApp for real-time customer support. With the Hello24.ai plugin, businesses can streamline their customer support efforts by integrating WhatsApp directly into their e-commerce website.

Although customers can use the WhatsApp chat feature to ask questions, get help with their purchases, or request returns or refunds. This can be a powerful tool for e-commerce businesses, as it helps to build customer trust and loyalty.

Must check our share-a-cart feature in the chat studio – Video

How to Automate Whatsapp Messages to your customers 24/7 x 365 days?

Use hello24.ai’s Chatbot to automate personalized messages and shopping experiences for your customers.

How to give customer support using Whatsapp to your customers 24/7 x 365 days?

Use hello24.ai’s Chat studio CRM to quickly connect your customer service agents with your customers via chat messages to resolve queries/questions instantly and enhance the purchase journey.

About Hello24.ai

Hello24.ai is conversational commerce platform that helps companies to engage customers on WhatsApp. Our platform enable you to 

  • Double your sales with guided WhatsApp selling
  • Get 10x ROAS on marketing spends
  • Automate customer support queries

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