Power💥 Your Shopify Store with Hello24ai’s WhatsApp Shop 🛒 Automation

picture showing shopify store getting connected to whatsapp store

Are you ready to take your Shopify eCommerce store to the next level?

Look no further! 

Hello24.ai is here to revolutionize the way you do business on WhatsApp.

As a Meta Tech Partner for the Official WhatsApp API, Hello24.ai is an eCommerce-focused platform that seamlessly integrates with Shopify, empowering online and offline brands to supercharge their sales, marketing, and customer support efforts on the world’s most popular messaging app.

Here’s what Hello24.ai offers for your Shopify eCommerce stores and websites:

1️⃣ Connect Shopify Website and Take Orders on WhatsApp: Streamline your sales process by allowing customers to place orders directly through WhatsApp, creating a seamless and convenient shopping experience.

📌Imagine a customer browsing your Shopify store, adding items to their cart, and then seamlessly transitioning to WhatsApp to complete their purchase. Hello24.ai enables this frictionless experience, allowing customers to place orders, ask questions, and receive support directly through WhatsApp, creating a seamless and convenient shopping journey.

Integrate you Shopify store with WhatsApp Shop

2️⃣ Unlimited Hyper-Personalized Broadcast Blasts: Engage your customers like never before with unlimited hyper-personalized broadcast messages, complete with customer segmentation and broadcast engagement analytics to ensure your messages hit the mark every time.

📢Let’s say you’re running a special promotion on a new product line. With Hello24.ai, you can create hyper-personalized broadcast messages tailored to specific customer segments. For instance, you can send a targeted message to customers who have previously purchased similar products, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

3️⃣ WhatsApp Chatbot Automation: Say goodbye to repetitive tasks! Hello24.ai’s easy drag-and-edit chatbot builder allows you to automate customer interactions, providing instant responses and freeing up your time for more meaningful work.

📌A customer reaches out on WhatsApp to inquire about shipping times. With Hello24.ai’s chatbot automation, they receive an instant response with the information they need, providing a swift and efficient customer service experience without requiring human intervention.

4️⃣ Topic-Based Agent Routing and Agent Analytics: Ensure that customer queries are handled by the right team members with topic-based agent routing, and gain valuable insights into agent performance with comprehensive analytics.

📢Suppose a customer has a technical question about a product. Hello24.ai’s topic-based agent routing ensures that their query is directed to the most qualified team member, guaranteeing a prompt and accurate response. Additionally, the platform’s agent analytics provide valuable insights into response times, issue resolution rates, and customer satisfaction, enabling continuous improvement in customer support.

5️⃣ Chat Studio for Real-Time Customer Interaction: Engage with your customers in real-time and even share a cart directly through WhatsApp, providing a personalized and interactive shopping experience.

📌A customer is exploring options and has questions about specific products. Your team engages with them in real-time through Hello24.ai’s chat studio, providing personalized recommendations and answering queries. Additionally, the “share a cart” feature allows your team to send a personalized cart directly to the customer, streamlining the purchasing process and enhancing the overall customer experience.

6️⃣ Abandoned Cart Recovery Campaign Automation: Recover lost sales by automatically reaching out to customers who have abandoned their carts, giving them the nudge they need to complete their purchase.

📢A customer adds items to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase. Hello24.ai automatically sends a friendly reminder via WhatsApp, including a direct link to their abandoned cart, encouraging them to finalize their order and recover what would have otherwise been a lost sale.

Picture showing abandoned cart solution from hello24.ai

7️⃣ COD Confirmation and COD to Prepaid Conversion Campaign Automation: Streamline your cash-on-delivery process with automated confirmation messages, and encourage customers to switch to prepaid orders with targeted campaigns.

📌After a customer selects cash on delivery (COD) as their payment method, Hello24.ai sends a confirmation message with the order details. Subsequently, the platform initiates a targeted campaign to incentivize the customer to switch to prepaid orders, such as offering a discount on their next purchase if they opt for prepaid payment.

8️⃣ Product Review Campaign with Judge.me: Leverage the power of customer reviews with automated product review campaigns, seamlessly integrated with Judge.me for maximum impact.

📢Following a customer’s purchase, Hello24.ai automatically triggers a product review campaign integrated with Judge.me, encouraging the customer to share their feedback. Positive reviews can then be showcased on your Shopify store, building trust and confidence among potential buyers.

9️⃣ Product Re-Order or Cross-Sell Campaign Automation: Increase customer lifetime value with automated re-order and cross-sell campaigns, driving repeat purchases and maximizing your revenue.

📌If a customer has previously purchased a consumable product, Hello24.ai can automatically send a reminder to reorder when their supply is likely running low. Additionally, the platform can initiate cross-sell campaigns, suggesting complementary products based on the customer’s purchase history, thereby increasing the average order value.

🔟 Lead Qualification and Forms on WhatsApp: Capture leads and qualify prospects directly through WhatsApp, simplifying the customer acquisition process and driving more conversions.

📢Through Hello24.ai, you can capture leads and qualify prospects directly on WhatsApp. For instance, a customer expresses interest in a specific product and requests more information. Your chatbot can seamlessly guide them through a qualification/scoring process flow, ultimately leading to a potential sale.

1️⃣1️⃣ QR Code-Based WhatsApp Chat Automation: Seamlessly integrate WhatsApp into your offline marketing efforts with QR code-based chat automation, providing a direct line of communication to your customers.

📌At your physical retail shop/store location, you can display QR codes that, when scanned, initiate a WhatsApp chat with your business. This allows customers to easily seek assistance, inquire about products, or even place orders, bridging the gap between offline and online shopping experiences. Plus you can even add QR codes on your product package and prompt customers to re-order or signup to your whatsapp shop for future offers etc.

picture showing whatsapp qr code automation from hello24.ai

🌈 Conclusion: Elevate Your Shopify Ecommerce Journey with Hello24.ai

In the dynamic world 🌐 of e-commerce, Hello24.ai stands out as an ultimate comprehensive solution for Shopify stores globally. From order (sales) management to personalized marketing and customer support, Hello24.ai empowers you to take your customers’ Shopify experience to new heights.

Ready to kick-off 🚀your Shopify store on WhatsApp?

Book a demo or try the Hello24.ai Shopify app for free now!

picture of Client’s Who Made It Big In 2023 With hello24ai

About Hello24.ai

Hello24.ai is conversational commerce platform that helps companies to engage customers on WhatsApp. Our platform enable you to 

  • Double your sales with guided WhatsApp selling
  • Get 10x ROAS on marketing spends
  • Automate customer support queries

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