How to Get Product Reviews via WhatsApp Automation for Your Shopify Website

picture showing Product Reviews via WhatsApp Automation

As an online brand, you know that genuine product reviews are like gold for your business. They build trust, and credibility, and have the power to skyrocket your sales, attracting new customers to your Shopify website.

πŸš€ But how do you effortlessly gather these precious reviews?

Enter’s WhatsApp automation – a game-changer! πŸ’¬πŸ€–

picture showing on Top 7 Use Cases of WhatsApp Chatbot for OTT Platforms to Grow Business

In this blog post, we’re thrilled to show you just how easy it is to set up a WhatsApp automation system that collects valuable product feedback and reviews from your customers. With a sprinkle of emojis and a dash of tech magic, you’ll be well on your way to a treasure trove of glowing reviews! 😍

So, let’s dive in and discover the steps to kick-start the product reviews from your customers with WhatsApp automation. πŸŒŸπŸ’‘

Step 1: Choose Hello24 WhatsApp Automation Tool

The first step is to select a reliable WhatsApp automation tool that integrates seamlessly with your Shopify website. There are several third-party plugins and services available that allow you to automate WhatsApp messages. We use app and it offers a solution that offers easy setup, customizable message templates, and an intuitive interface.

Step 2: Create a Review Request Message Template for WhatsApp

Craft a friendly and personalized review request message that encourages customers to share their experiences. Keep it short, engaging, and straightforward. Include a link to the product review page on your website to make it easy for customers to leave their feedback.

Example Review Request Message:

Hi [Customer’s Name], thank you for your recent purchase of [Product Name]!

We hope you are enjoying it! 😊

We would love to hear your thoughts about the product.

Could you spare a moment to share your experience? Simply click the link below to leave your review. Your feedback means the world to us! 🌟

[Review Link Button]

Step 3: Set Up the WhatsApp Automation

Integrate the chosen WhatsApp automation tool with your Shopify website (download our app). Configure the automation to trigger the review request template message to customers a few days (set the date/hours/minutes) after their order is delivered. This timing gives customers enough time to use the product and form an opinion.

Step 4: Monitor and Respond

Once the review request messages are sent via whatsapp, keep track of the responses and reviews you receive. Monitor the feedback carefully, and if you receive any negative reviews, respond promptly and professionally to address the customer’s concerns. This shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing excellent service.

Step 5: Incentivise Reviews (Optional)

To boost the number of reviews, consider offering a small incentive, such as a discount or free gift, to customers who leave a review. However, make sure to follow the guidelines set by WhatsApp and your local laws regarding incentives for reviews.

Also, test run the Hello24 + Shopify app for understanding whatsapp integration better.

picture showing shopify hello24ai app

Here are a few examples of brands that were using WhatsApp automation for getting customer reviews:

  1. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines: The Dutch flag carrier airline, was among the first global brands to utilize WhatsApp for customer service. They provided flight updates, booking confirmations, and handled customer inquiries through WhatsApp.
  2. MakeMyTrip: An Indian online travel company, introduced WhatsApp support to assist customers with their travel bookings, provide instant updates, and get reviews from their customers.
  3. Adidas: Has been using WhatsApp since 2015 to answer questions about its products and promote new items to prospects. They have a dedicated WhatsApp team that handles customer inquiries and reviews.
  4. Hellmann: Used WhatsApp to promote their “WhatsCook” campaign. The campaign allows users to get recipes, reviews, cooking tips, and product discounts
  5. Hyatt Hotels Corporation: Hyatt Hotels experimented with WhatsApp for guest support, and instant reviews, allowing guests to make requests and get assistance during their stay.

🌟 Conclusion: Leverage the Power of WhatsApp Automation for Glowing Reviews! 🌟

Incorporating WhatsApp automation into your Shopify website for collecting product reviews is an absolute game-changer for your business!

πŸš€ Not only does it streamline the feedback process, but it also opens the gateway to valuable insights from your customers. πŸ’¬βœ¨

By nurturing a repository of genuine reviews, you’re building an unshakable foundation of trust and credibility. πŸ†πŸŒŸ Potential customers are more likely to make a purchase when they see positive feedback from happy buyers. πŸ›οΈπŸ˜

Remember, the key to success with WhatsApp automation is in crafting friendly, engaging review request messages. πŸ’Œ Express your gratitude for your customers’ input, making them feel valued and heard. πŸ™β€οΈ

So, let’s seize this opportunity and embrace the powerful tool of WhatsApp automation. Leverage the authentic voice of your satisfied customers to propel your business to new heights of success!

πŸ“ˆπŸŒ  Let the stellar reviews pour in, and watch your brand shine brightly in the online marketplace. Happy reviewing! πŸŒŸπŸ“’

Want to get more reviews from your customers on your shopify website?

Get exclusive access to our Whitepaper on WhatsApp integration on ERP systems Implications & Use cases

About is conversational commerce platform that helps companies to engage customers on WhatsApp. Our platform enable you toΒ 

  • Double your sales with guided WhatsApp selling
  • Get 10x ROAS on marketing spends
  • Automate customer support queries

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