Know What No One Told You About “eCommerce Marketing” With WhatsApp Automation

📢what is ecommerce marketing?

So, you want to sell stuff online, huh?

That's awesome! 

But let’s face it, with millions of online stores out there, standing out is a real challenge. That’s where ecommerce marketing comes in.

ecommerce marketing automation image by hello24ai

Ecommerce marketing is all about getting people excited about your products and convincing them to hit that “buy now” button. It’s like having a superpower to attract customers and turn them into loyal fans.

Imagine this: You’ve got a fantastic product, but no one knows it exists. Ecommerce marketing is your magic wand to wave and make people discover your amazing stuff. We’re talking about everything from crafting catchy ads that grab attention to building a loyal customer base that can’t get enough of you.

📢what is digital marketing in ecommerce?

This will give you a 360 birds eye view of digital marketing in ecommerce.

📌Get Discovered

  • SEO Magic: Make your store invisible to search engines? No way! We’ll help you cast a spell to rank higher and attract eager shoppers.
  • Content Gold: Create blog posts, videos, and more that are so irresistible, people can’t help but share them. Your brand will become the shining star of your industry.

📌Connect and Convert

  • Social Sizzle: Let’s turn your followers into fans! We’ll craft a social media strategy that’ll have everyone talking about your brand.
  • Email Bliss: Build relationships that last. Personalized emails will keep your customers coming back for more.
  • Paid to Play: Want to skyrocket to the top? Our paid ad campaigns will put your products in front of the right people at the right time.
ecommerce marketing campaign solutions image by hello24ai

📌Partner Up and Prosper

  • Influencer Wow: Team up with the coolest people in your niche to introduce your products to their audience.
  • Affiliate Amazing: Let others do the selling for you! Earn commissions while expanding your reach.

📌Optimize and Analyze

  • Conversion Boost: Turn website visitors into happy customers with a few tweaks. We’ll optimize every click.
  • Know Your Customer: Data is your secret weapon. We’ll help you understand your audience and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.
  • Mobile Magic: Capture shoppers on the go. A mobile-friendly store is essential for success.

📢what is ecommerce marketing Automation strategy?

Your ecommerce strategy is a journey, not a destination. It’s not just about selling products; it’s about captivating your audience, building a loyal following, and driving sales through the roof. So stay curious, keep experimenting, and most importantly, have fun. Here are a few insights to do so in building a winning ecommerce strategy:-

📌1. Set Your Eyes on Victory

  • Define Your Destination: Clearly outline your goals. Are you aiming for explosive growth, building brand loyalty, or maximizing profits?
  • Make It Measurable: Set specific, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to track your progress.
an image showing product highlights that explains what is ecommerce marketing

📌2. Know Your Consumer Inside Out

  • Deep Dive into Their World: Understand your target audience’s desires, pain points, and buying habits.
  • Create Compelling Customer Personas: Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customers to tailor your marketing efforts.
  • Build Emotional Connections: Foster a strong bond with your audience by understanding their needs on a deeper level.

📌3. Opt for the Right Platforms

  • Choose Your Battlegrounds Wisely: Select the platforms where your target audience hangs out. Is it Instagram, TikTok, or Google Search?
  • Align Channels with Goals: Ensure your chosen platforms directly contribute to your overall strategy.
  • Dominate Your Niche: Become a powerhouse on the platforms that matter most.

📌4. Create High-Quality Content That Captivates

  • Develop a Content Calendar: Plan your content to maintain consistency and maximize impact.
  • Create Irresistible Content: Develop content that informs, entertains, and inspires your audience.
  • Optimize for Engagement: Craft content that encourages shares, likes, and comments.

📌5. Fund Wisely

  • Allocate Your Budget Strategically: Distribute your marketing funds effectively across different channels.
  • Prioritize High-ROI Activities: Focus on tactics that deliver the best return on investment.
  • Track Your Spending: Monitor your budget closely to ensure maximum efficiency.

📌6. Optimize, Study, and Defeat

  • Measure What Matters: Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge success.
  • Learn from Your Data: Use analytics to identify trends and optimize your campaigns.
  • Continuously Improve: Refine your strategy based on insights and adapt to changing market conditions.
ecommerce marketing services platform results

📢how to do ecommerce marketing Automation with whatsapp?

For ecommerce, WhatsApp is a goldmine for building relationships, driving sales, and providing exceptional customer service & retention.

  1. Set Up a WhatsApp API Account: Create a proficient profile on WhatsApp API with your business name, logo, and contact details.
  2. Build a Customer List: Collect customer numbers and get their consent to send them updates.
  3. Segment Your Audience: Organize contacts based on preferences and purchase history for targeted messaging.
  4. Send Personalized Messages: Offer tailored product recommendations and updates based on customer interests.
  5. Promote Exclusive Offers: Share special deals and discount codes with your contacts.
  6. Provide Customer Support: Use WhatsApp to handle inquiries, provide product info, and assist with orders.
  7. Share Product Updates: Notify customers about new arrivals, restocks, and promotions.
  8. Run Contests and Giveaways: Engage customers with contests or giveaways and encourage participation via WhatsApp.
  9. Use WhatsApp Catalogs: Display your products in an organized catalog and allow customers to browse and inquire.
  10. Send Order Updates: Keep customers informed about order confirmations, shipping, and delivery status.
  11. Request Feedback: Ask for reviews and feedback post-purchase to improve your service.
  12. Leverage WhatsApp Status: Post updates and promotions on your WhatsApp Status to keep your audience engaged.
  13. Integrate with CRM: Connect WhatsApp with your CRM to manage interactions and data efficiently.
  14. Automate Where Possible: Use automated responses for common queries and greetings.
  15. Measure and Optimize: Track performance metrics and adjust your strategy based on data insights.

📢what is the purpose of using “user-generated content” (UGC) in ecommerce marketing Automation?

ecommerce marketing strategy getting results from the hello24ai platform

User-Generated Content (UGC) is the goldmine of authentic marketing. It’s content created by your customers – photos, videos, reviews, social media posts – that showcases your product in action.  

📌Here’s why it’s a game-changer for ecommerce:

  • Builds Trust and Authenticity: People trust other people more than brands. UGC shows real people using and loving your product, building credibility.  
  • Increases Conversions: Seeing how others use your product helps potential customers visualize themselves with it, making them more likely to buy.  
  • Enhances Brand Image: UGC reflects your brand’s personality and values through the eyes of your customers, shaping a positive image.  
  • Generates Free Marketing: Every piece of UGC is a potential advertisement shared by your customers, reaching a wider audience.  
  • Improves SEO: UGC with relevant keywords can boost your website’s search engine rankings.  
  • Deepens Customer Relationships: Engaging with UGC shows customers you value their input, fostering loyalty.  
  • Saves Time and Money: UGC is free content that can replace expensive professional photoshoots.

📢how to create an ecommerce marketing funnel with whatsapp Automation?

Creating an ecommerce marketing funnel with WhatsApp involves using the platform to guide potential customers through the buying journey, from awareness to conversion and beyond. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

📌1. Awareness Stage

  • Run Promotions: Use WhatsApp to tell people about special deals or new products.
  • Broadcast Messages: Send messages to your contact list about sales or updates.
  • Share Content: Post helpful tips or product highlights to attract interest.

📌2. Consideration Stage

  • Send Hyper Personalized Messages: Tailor your messages based on what customers are interested in.
  • Suggest Products: Offer product recommendations and answer any questions.
  • Share Your Catalog: Send your product catalog through WhatsApp so customers can browse and ask about items.

📌3. Decision Stage

  • Offer Discounts: Send exclusive offers or discount codes to encourage purchases.
  • Reminder Messages: Alert customers about items left in their cart and offer help to complete their purchase.
  • Provide Support: Answer any last-minute questions or concerns to help them decide.
ecommerce marketing

📌4. Purchase Stage

  • Confirm Orders: Send a confirmation message with order details and tracking information.
  • Thank Customers: Express your gratitude and offer any needed follow-up support.

📌5. Post-Purchase Stage

  • Ask for Feedback: Request reviews or feedback about their shopping experience.
  • Introduce Loyalty Programs: Share information about rewards or discounts for future purchases.
  • Stay Engaged: Keep in touch with updates on new products or special offers.

👉Example of an ecommerce marketing funnel:

  • Awareness: Share a helpful gardening tip and invite users to subscribe to your WhatsApp updates.
  • Interest: Send a personalized message about a new line of organic fertilizers based on their previous interest.
  • Desire: Offer a limited-time discount on a popular product bundle.
  • Action: Provide a direct link to purchase and offer free shipping.
  • Loyalty: Send a thank-you message and offer a loyalty program with exclusive rewards.

Want to learn how you can leverage whatsapp for ecommerce marketing?

About is conversational commerce platform that helps companies to engage customers on WhatsApp. Our platform enable you to 

  • Double your sales with guided WhatsApp selling
  • Get 10x ROAS on marketing spends
  • Automate customer support queries

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