
Beyond 🦜”Hey Siri”: 7+ Cutting-Edge 💬Conversational Commerce 🛒 Trends for 2024

image of a smartphone screen displaying a chat conversation with a chatbot character dressed as a personal stylist, suggesting outfits, titled "Shoppable Chat Novels: A Creative Twist on Conversational Commerce."

Imagine this: you’re scrolling through Facebook, see an ad for that cute dress you’ve been eyeing, and with a few taps in Messenger, you’ve not only gotten the deets but also snagged a discount.

Welcome to the world of conversational commerce, where shopping feels less like a chore and more like chatting with a friend.

In-Chat Purchases: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are integrating shopping features directly into their chat systems, allowing users to browse and buy products without leaving the app. Influencer Marketing: Influencers can directly engage with followers through chat, offering personalized recommendations and driving sales.

📌What is 🤖 Conversational Commerce hype all about?

Conversational commerce is where the magic of messaging apps meets the convenience of online shopping. It involves businesses engaging with customers through chat applications, social media platforms, and voice assistants. Whether it’s answering queries, facilitating purchases, or offering personalized recommendations, conversational commerce makes shopping more interactive and personalized.

📌Why Your eCommerce Business Badly Needs a Conversational Commerce 🤖 Chatbot?

Ecommerce businesses are buzzing about conversational commerce chatbots, and for some damn good reason. These AI-powered chat wizards bring a wave of benefits:

Voice-Activated Devices: The growing use of smart speakers and virtual assistants (like Amazon's Alexa, Google Assistant) is making voice-based shopping more common. Hands-Free Shopping Experience: Voice commerce provides a convenient, hands-free shopping experience, appealing to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities.
  • Convenience at Your Fingertips: No more navigating complex websites. Shop anytime, anywhere through your favorite chat apps like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.
  • Your Personal Shopping Guide: Chatbots can analyze your browsing history and suggest products you’ll actually love, just like a friend showing off their latest finds.
  • 24/7 Shopping Buddy: Unlike human reps who need sleep (crazy, right?), chatbots are always on, ready to answer your burning questions or help you track down that perfect pair of shoes.
  • Sales with a Smile (or Wink): Real-time support and personalized recommendations can nudge you from window shopper to happy customer.

PRO TIP: Check out hello24ai conversational commerce chatbot tool for Shopify 🔗(link) and WooCommerce 🔗(link) WordPress website

📌10 Killer Conversational 🤖 Commerce Ideas to Spark Inspiration just for YOU

Ready to unleash the chat commerce magic in your store? Here are 10 ideas to get you started:

Seamless Transition: Ensuring customers can move smoothly between different communication channels (e.g., from chatbot to human agent) without losing context. Unified Customer Profiles: Integrating various touchpoints to create a cohesive customer profile, ensuring a consistent experience across platforms.
  1. Quiz Time! Help customers discover their perfect match with interactive quizzes that recommend products based on their needs.
  2. Personalized Greetings: A friendly “Hi [Customer Name], welcome back!” goes a long way. Chatbots can greet customers by name and inquire about their preferences.
  3. Post-Purchase Love: Show customers you care! Use chatbots to gather feedback and offer support after they’ve bought something.
  4. Secret Sales Alert: Who doesn’t love a good deal? Send targeted promotions and discounts right through chat, keeping customers coming back for more.
  5. Order Tracking Ninja: No more refreshing the order status page a million times. Chatbots can keep customers updated on their deliveries.
  6. Returns Made Easy: Streamline the return and exchange process by letting customers handle it directly through a chatbot.
  7. Live Chat Handoff: For complex issues, seamlessly switch from chatbot interaction to a live chat with a human expert.
  8. Loyalty Programs with a Chatty Twist: Reward customers for interacting with your chatbot and encourage repeat purchases.
  9. Product Recommendations on Autopilot: Chatbots can analyze a customer’s browsing history and suggest products they’ll love, like a super-smart shopping genie.
  10. Don’t Forget the Follow-Up: Use chatbots to gather valuable customer data on preferences and buying habits to personalize the shopping journey even further.

📌5 Benefits of Conversational 🤖 Commerce for D2C Businesses

AI-Powered Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Increased Sophistication: AI chatbots are becoming more advanced, capable of understanding context and providing more human-like interactions. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Improvements in NLP allow chatbots to comprehend and respond to complex customer queries more accurately. 24/7 Customer Support: Businesses use chatbots to offer round-the-clock assistance, improving customer satisfaction and engagement.
  1. Enhanced Customer Experience: Personalized interactions make customers feel valued, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
  2. Cost-Effective Customer Service: Automate routine inquiries and support, reducing the need for a large customer service team.
  3. Higher Engagement Rates: Engaging conversations increase the time customers spend on your site, boosting the likelihood of purchases.
  4. Valuable Data and Insights: Gather insights on customer preferences, behavior, and feedback to continuously improve your products and services.
  5. Streamlined Sales Process: Simplify the customer journey from discovery to purchase, increasing conversion rates.

📌15 Conversational 🤖 Commerce Examples or Use Cases

1️⃣ Beauty Brand Matchmaker: Imagine chatting with a friendly AI that analyzes your skin type and recommends the perfect foundation shade or suggests a new lipstick color based on current trends. Sephora’s Beauty Assistant chatbot does just that, guiding customers through the makeup maze and personalizing their shopping experience.

2️⃣ Virtual Try-Before-You-Buy: Trying on clothes online can be a gamble. Warby Parker’s virtual try-on experience takes the guesswork out by leveraging your phone’s camera. Simply hold your phone up and see how different glasses look on your face, all through a chat interface.

3️⃣ Pizza Perfection in a Chat: Craving pizza but stuck at work? Domino’s chatbot lets you order your favorite pizza with a few taps in Facebook Messenger. No need to call, wait on hold, or even leave the app – just chat, order, and enjoy!

Multilingual whatsapp AI chatbots are becoming more advanced, capable of understanding context and providing more human-like interactions. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Improvements in NLP allow chatbots to comprehend and respond to complex customer queries more accurately. 24/7 Customer Support: Businesses use chatbots to offer round-the-clock assistance, improving customer satisfaction and engagement.

4️⃣ Travel Buddy in Your Pocket: KLM Airlines’ chatbot is your one-stop shop for everything flight-related. Check-in for your flight, manage your booking, or get real-time updates on delays – all through a convenient chat conversation.

5️⃣ Coffee on Demand: Who needs a physical line when you can chat your way to a latte? The Starbucks app allows you to order and pay for your coffee directly through a chatbot, letting you skip the queue and grab your morning pick-me-up in a flash.

6️⃣ Fitness Tracker Assistant: Struggling to understand all the data on your fitness tracker? Imagine a chatbot that analyzes your activity levels, sleep patterns, and goals, offering personalized coaching and workout recommendations through a chat interface.

7️⃣ Furniture Finder: Furnishing a new apartment can be overwhelming. A furniture store’s chatbot can guide customers through the selection process, asking about their style preferences, room dimensions, and budget, and then suggesting furniture pieces that create a cohesive and beautiful space.

8️⃣ Gift-Giving Guru: Need help finding the perfect present? A gift shop’s chatbot can act as a virtual gift-giving assistant. By asking questions about the recipient’s interests, hobbies, and occasion, the chatbot can recommend thoughtful and unique gifts, saving you time and ensuring a happy recipient.

PRO TIP: Check out hello24ai conversational commerce software for Shopify 🔗(link) and WooCommerce 🔗(link) WordPress website

9️⃣ Tech Troubleshooting Wiz: Tech problems can be frustrating. An electronics store’s chatbot can act as a first line of defense, offering troubleshooting tips and solutions for common issues through a chat conversation. If the problem persists, the chatbot can seamlessly connect the customer with a live tech support representative.

image of a WhatsApp chat interface with integrated shopping features, such as product images, descriptions, and a "Buy Now" button, showcasing seamless in-chat purchases.

1️⃣0️⃣ Travel Inspiration Bot: Feeling the wanderlust but unsure where to go? A travel agency’s chatbot can spark inspiration. By asking about your travel preferences, budget, and desired activities, the chatbot can suggest exciting destinations and tailor itineraries based on your interests.

1️⃣1️⃣ Car Care Companion: Regular car maintenance is crucial, but remembering what needs to be done can be tricky. A car dealership’s chatbot can serve as a car care companion, sending timely reminders for oil changes, tire rotations, and other maintenance needs, all through a friendly chat conversation.

1️⃣2️⃣ Personalized Learning Assistant: Online learning platforms can leverage chatbots to provide personalized learning experiences. The chatbot can assess a student’s strengths and weaknesses, recommend relevant learning materials, and answer questions to ensure a clear understanding of the subject matter.

1️⃣3️⃣ Subscription Box Curator: Subscription boxes are a great way to discover new products, but choosing the right one can be tough. A subscription service’s chatbot can act as a curator, asking about a customer’s interests and preferences, and then suggesting the perfect subscription box to match their needs.

1️⃣4️⃣ Event Ticket Assistant: Snagging tickets to a popular event can be a stressful experience. An event ticketing platform’s chatbot can streamline the process. The chatbot can help users find the events they’re interested in, check for available seats, and even complete the purchase process, all through a convenient chat interface.

1️⃣5️⃣ Financial Fitness Coach: Managing your finances can be daunting. A bank’s chatbot can act as a financial fitness coach, providing budgeting tips, analyzing spending habits, and even connecting users with financial products and services tailored to their needs, all through a secure chat conversation.

image of a seamless transition from a WhatsApp chatbot conversation to a live human agent, with both screens showing the same conversation thread to illustrate a unified customer experience.

📌#5 Conversational Commerce Trends in 2024

📈Conversational Commerce Goes Hyper-Local: 2024 will see a rise in location-based conversational commerce experiences. Imagine chatting with a local bakery’s chatbot to pre-order fresh bread for pickup on your way home, or using a restaurant’s chatbot to browse the daily specials and make a reservation – all conveniently tailored to your specific area.

📈The Rise of Shoppable Chat Novels: Conversational commerce is getting creative. In 2024, expect to see the emergence of “shoppable chat novels.” These interactive stories unfold through chat interfaces, where characters might recommend products or offer exclusive discounts as the plot progresses. It’s a unique way to engage customers, tell brand stories, and subtly promote products in a fun and immersive way.

📈Multilingual Chatbots for a Global Audience: As the world gets smaller, conversational commerce needs to follow suit. Expect a surge in multilingual chatbots in 2024. This allows brands to cater to a global audience, offering seamless customer service and personalized shopping experiences regardless of language barriers.

📈Predictive Chatbots with Proactive Offers: Chatbots are becoming more proactive. Imagine browsing a website and a chatbot pops up, not to answer questions, but to offer a personalized discount on a product you might be interested in based on your browsing history. In 2024, conversational commerce will leverage predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and present targeted offers before they even ask.

📈Conversational Commerce Merges with the Metaverse: The metaverse is here to stay, and conversational commerce will be a part of it. Imagine attending a virtual fashion show in the metaverse and using a chatbot to chat with a virtual stylist who can recommend outfits based on your preferences and even allow you to virtually “try on” clothes before purchasing them in the real world. This creates a seamless shopping experience that transcends physical limitations.

image of futuristic elements, such as a holographic WhatsApp chatbot assisting a user, symbolizing the advanced capabilities and potential future developments in conversational commerce.

💬Conversational commerce is no longer a futuristic fantasy; it’s the present, and it’s here to stay.

With chatbots becoming an increasingly essential part of the shopping experience, are you ready to embrace this exciting future?

Imagine the possibilities: seamlessly guiding customers to their perfect purchase, providing 24/7 support, and building stronger brand loyalty – all through the power of conversation. Hello24ai’s conversational commerce chatbot tool can turn this vision into reality.

Stop waiting in line and see the magic for yourself. Book a free demo today and discover how Hello24Ai can transform your ecommerce business with the power of conversational commerce.

Don’t miss out on this chance to chat your way to success – book your demo now!

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About Hello24.ai

Hello24.ai is conversational commerce platform that helps companies to engage customers on WhatsApp. Our platform enable you to 

  • Double your sales with guided WhatsApp selling
  • Get 10x ROAS on marketing spends
  • Automate customer support queries

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