Mastering Feedback / Reviews / Ratings Collection With WhatsApp Automation [3 Major FAQs Answered by Hello24ai]

In today’s super-paced digital world, customer feedback & reviews are more crucial than ever. It’s not just about knowing what your customers think — it’s about using their insights to drive improvement and growth.

Enter WhatsApp Software, a powerful tool that’s changing the way businesses connect with their customers.

With its personal touch and high engagement rates, WhatsApp Software offers a unique opportunity to gather valuable reviews and feedback directly from your customer. But how do you craft the perfect message that encourages responses and provides meaningful insights?

In this blog post, we’ll explore effective strategies for asking customers for feedback and reviews via WhatsApp. From creating engaging messages to providing clear options for responses, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make the most of this versatile platform.

Plus, we’ve included ten ready-to-use message templates to help you get started right away.

Ready to turn customer feedback into your competitive edge?

Let’s dive in and discover how WhatsApp can revolutionize the way you gather and use customer insights!

📢Why should you ask customer for a reviews or feedback on WhatsApp Software?

➡️Instant Credibility Boost: Think of reviews as your business’s golden ticket to trust. Prospective customers rely on social proof to make decisions. When they see glowing reviews, they feel confident that you deliver on your promises. It’s like having a trusted friend recommend you.

➡️Search Engine Supercharge: Want to dominate search results? Reviews can catapult your visibility! Search engines prioritize businesses with authentic, positive feedback. More reviews mean higher rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

➡️Unfiltered Customer Insights: Reviews are a treasure trove of honest feedback. They reveal exactly what your customers love and what needs improvement. This direct insight is invaluable for fine-tuning your offerings and staying ahead of the competition.

➡️Boosts Customer Engagement: By asking for reviews, you show customers that their opinions truly matter. This engagement fosters a stronger connection and demonstrates that you’re committed to enhancing their experience.

➡️Drives Customer Loyalty: Customers who leave positive reviews are more likely to return. They feel valued and appreciated, which translates into repeat business and long-term loyalty. It’s a win-win for both you and your customers.

➡️Increases Conversions: Positive reviews act as powerful persuasion tools. They influence potential buyers by validating your quality and reliability. Showcasing these reviews prominently can turn casual browsers into committed buyers.

➡️Transforms Customers into Advocates: Satisfied customers who rave about your business can become your most enthusiastic promoters. Their word-of-mouth recommendations can bring in new customers and expand your reach exponentially.

➡️Gives You a Competitive Edge: In today’s crowded market, standing out is crucial. A strong collection of positive reviews can differentiate you from competitors and position you as the go-to choice for new customers.

📢How to ask customer for feedback or reviews on WhatsApp Software?

The best way is to use the hello24ai‘s whatsapp automation tool, they have a simple integration with for shopify stores 📽️Watch the video here 👉 (link) to get at least 3x reviews from your customers.

Asking a customer for feedback or reviews on WhatsApp Software can be an effective way to engage with them and gather valuable insights. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it effectively:

1. Choose the Right ⏰Timing

Timing Matters
  • Post-Purchase Follow-Up: Reach out shortly after a purchase or service interaction when the experience is fresh in their minds.
  • Avoid Busy Times: Ensure you’re not contacting them during peak hours or holidays when they might be less responsive.

2. Hyper Personalize Your 💬Message

Make It Personal
  • Use Their Name: Start your message with a friendly greeting that includes the customer’s name.
  • Reference Their Purchase: Mention the specific product or service they used to make the message more relevant.

3. Keep It ✍️Short and Simple

Get to the Point
  • Be Concise: Respect their time by keeping your message brief. Aim for clarity and simplicity.
  • Use Clear Language: Avoid jargon or complex terms; make it easy for them to understand what you’re asking.

4. Ask Open-Ended 🔓Questions

Encourage Detailed Feedback
  • Use Open-Ended Questions: Instead of just asking for a rating, encourage them to share their thoughts. For example:
    • “What did you think of the service you received?”
    • “How did our product meet your expectations?”
  • Prompt for Specifics: You can ask for feedback on specific aspects, such as quality, delivery time, or customer service.

5. Make It Easy to 🫡 Respond

Facilitate Quick Replies
  • Use Quick Reply Options: If applicable, provide options (e.g., “Great, Good, Needs Improvement”) for a quick response.
  • Include a Link: If you have a feedback form or survey, include a short link for them to fill out easily.

6. Show 👏Appreciation Real Time

Thank Them
  • Express Gratitude: Always thank them for their time and feedback. A simple “Thank you for helping us improve!” can go a long way.
  • Acknowledge Their Input: Let them know that their feedback is valuable and will be used to enhance your services or products.

7. Follow ↔️ Up Only If Required

Keep the Conversation Going
  • Respond to Their Feedback: If they provide detailed feedback, consider following up with a response to show that you value their input.
  • Share Improvements: If you make changes based on their feedback, let them know! This shows that you listen and care about customer satisfaction.

📢How to get customer feedback or collect Product reviews on WhatsApp Software?

1. Craft a Friendly Introduction

Start your message with a warm greeting. Make it personal and approachable.

💡Example: “Hi [Customer’s Name]! We hope you’re enjoying your [product/service] from [Your Company].”

2. Explain Why You’re Asking

Let customers know why their feedback is important. This helps them understand the impact of their input.

💡Example: “We’re always looking to improve and your opinion is incredibly valuable to us.”

customer giving feedback reviews on whatsapp campaigns

3. Specify What You Need

Clearly state what kind of feedback or review you’re looking for. This could be about the product, service, or overall experience.

Example: “Could you please share your thoughts on the [product/service]? We’d love to hear what you liked and if there’s anything we could do better.”

4. Make It Easy to Respond

Offer simple ways for customers to provide feedback. This could be a direct reply, a rating scale, or a link to a survey.


  • Direct Reply: “Just reply with a rating from 1 to 5 and a few comments if you have any.”
  • Rating Scale: “Rate your experience from 1 to 5 and let us know why you chose that rating.”

5. Include a Survey Link (Optional)

If you use a survey tool, provide a link for a more detailed review. Ensure the link is easy to access.

💡Example: “If you prefer, you can also fill out our quick survey here: [Survey Link].”

6. Offer Incentives (If Appropriate)

Consider offering a small incentive to encourage participation. This could be a discount on future purchases or entry into a giveaway.

💡Example: “As a thank you, we’re offering a [discount percentage] on your next purchase for completing our feedback survey.”

7. Show Appreciation

Thank customers for their time and feedback. Acknowledge their effort and let them know it’s valued.

💡Example: “Thank you so much for your feedback, [Customer’s Name]! We truly appreciate your time and input.”

8. Follow Up (Only If Necessary)

If you don’t get a response, consider sending a polite reminder.

💡Example: “Just a quick reminder to share your feedback if you haven’t had a chance yet. We’d love to hear from you!”

customer feedback reviews on whatsapp campaigns

9. Act on the Feedback

Respond to the feedback you receive and make improvements where necessary. If there are specific issues, address them directly with the customer.

💡Example: “Thanks for your feedback about [specific issue]. We’re working on making improvements and will update you soon.”

📢 5 whatsapp Software sample message templates to ask your customer for a feedback or reviews or ratings!

📝1. Simple Feedback Request

Hi [Customer’s Name]! 😊

We hope you’re loving your new [product/service] from [Your Company]. Could you take a moment to let us know how it’s going? Just reply with a rating from 1 to 5 and any comments you have. Your feedback helps us make things even better!

Thank you so much! 🙏

[Your Brand/Your Company]

📝2. Detailed Review Request

Hello [Customer’s Name],

We’re thrilled you chose [Your Company] for your [product/service]! We’d love to hear your thoughts. Could you please share your experience with us? Feel free to tell us what you liked, and if there’s anything we can improve.

If you have a few extra minutes, you can also fill out our quick survey here: [Survey Link].

Thanks a ton for your time and insights!

Warm regards,
[Your Brand/Your Company]

📝3. Rating Scale Request

Hey [Customer’s Name]! 👋

How’s everything with your [product/service]? We’d really appreciate it if you could rate your experience from 1 to 5. Your input is crucial for us to ensure we’re providing top-notch service.

Feel free to reply directly with your rating and any comments!

Thanks for helping us out! 👍

[Your Brand/Your Company]

📝4. Follow-Up Feedback Request

Hi [Customer’s Name],

Just checking in to see how you’re finding your [product/service] from [Your Brand]. We’d love your feedback to help us improve. Could you let us know how it’s going?

You can simply reply with a rating and a few words about your experience, or use this link if you prefer: [Survey Link].

Thanks for your support!

[Your Brand/Your Company]

📝5. Incentive-Based Review Request

Hello [Customer’s Name]! 🌟

We hope you’re enjoying your [product/service]. We’d love to hear your feedback! To show our appreciation, we’re offering [incentive] on your next purchase for sharing your thoughts.

Please reply with a quick rating from 1 to 5 and any comments you have, or use this link to complete our short survey: [Survey Link].

Thanks for being awesome!

Warm regards,
[Your Brand/Your Company]

hello24ai chatbot collecting-customer-feedback-reviews-on-whatsapp

📌Final Thoughts: Transform Customer +ve Feedback & Reviews into Growth with WhatsApp Software

Collecting customer feedback doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By leveraging WhatsApp’s direct and personal communication, you can effectively gather valuable insights and boost your brand’s reputation. With the strategies and message templates we’ve shared, you’re now equipped to start engaging with your customers in a more meaningful way.

But don’t just take our word for it — experience the power of WhatsApp Software for Customer feedback & reviews collection firsthand.

Book a demo with us to see a live campaign in action.

Discover how our WhatsApp chatbot seamlessly collects feedback and reviews, making the process efficient and engaging for both you and your customers.

Ready to see how it works and elevate your customer interaction?

Click the button below to schedule your demo and unlock the full potential of WhatsApp for your business.

Transform your feedback process today and watch your business grow!

About is conversational commerce platform that helps companies to engage customers on WhatsApp. Our platform enable you to 

  • Double your sales with guided WhatsApp selling
  • Get 10x ROAS on marketing spends
  • Automate customer support queries

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