CTWA Ads👉 Click to WhatsApp Ads or🎯Direct to WhatsApp Ads [META – Facebook Ads]

picture showing direct to WhatsApp Ads or click to WhatsApp Ads by hello24.ai

Ever heard of Click To WhatsApp Ads or CTWA Ads on Meta (Facebook)?

As the world of ecommerce continues to evolve, businesses are always looking for new and innovative ways to connect with their customers.

One of the latest trends in ecommerce marketing is direct-to-WhatsApp ads or click to WhatsApp ads. A method that allows businesses to engage with their customers in a more personal and direct way.

And at the forefront of this trend is Hello24.ai, a leading ecommerce automation software that is changing the game with its click to WhatsApp ads feature.

📢In this blog post, we’ll explore the power of famous click to whatsapp ads or direct-to-WhatsApp ads.

Basically how they can help you supercharge your ecommerce business hosted on shopify or woocommerce.

We’ll dive into the benefits of using click to WhatsApp ads, how they work, and why Hello24.ai is the ultimate solution for ecommerce businesses looking to take their marketing efforts to the next level.

So if you’re ready to explore the world of click to WhatsApp ads and discover how they can help your eCommerce business thrive, keep reading!

🧲What are Direct or Click to WhatsApp Ads?

Direct to WhatsApp Ads is a new advertising format that allows businesses to advertise on WhatsApp. Unlike traditional ads that direct users to a website or landing page. Click to WhatsApp Ads allows users to start a conversation with a business directly from the ad.

The process is simple. Your audience sees an ad on Facebook, Instagram, or another platform, and when they click on the ad. They are taken directly to a WhatsApp conversation with the business. This allows for seamless communication between the business and the user. As they can ask questions, get more information, or even complete a purchase directly from the chat.

Image showing the hello24.ai shopify app for whatsapp chatbot automation and marketing for ecommerce stores
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Image showing the hello24.ai woocommerce wordpress plugin for whatsapp chatbot automation and marketing for ecommerce stores
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📌How does Direct or Click to WhatsApp Ads work and Why Should you try it?

Click to WhatsApp Ads work by using a combination of Facebook Ads and WhatsApp API. Facebook Ads is used to create and target the ad. While the WhatsApp API is used to create the chat (personalized conversation) between the user and the business.

Now, to set up Direct to WhatsApp Ads, businesses need to have a WhatsApp Account and be approved for the WhatsApp API. Once approved, businesses can create ads on Facebook Ads Manager and choose the click to WhatsApp Ad format.

Businesses can target their ads based on a variety of factors, such as location, age, interests, and behaviors. When a user clicks on the ad, they are taken directly to a WhatsApp conversation with the business. From there, the business can provide personalized support, answer questions, and even complete a purchase.

💥What are the Benefits of Direct or Click to WhatsApp Ads?

✅1) Increased engagement and conversions

Click to WhatsApp Ads offer a high level of engagement and can lead to increased conversions. By providing a seamless communication channel between the user and the business, customers can get the information they need quickly and easily. This can result in a higher conversion rate and a better return on investment for the business.

✅2) Improved customer experience

Direct or Click to WhatsApp Ads can also improve the customer experience by providing personalized support and assistance. Customers can ask questions and get real-time answers from a business representative, which can help build trust and confidence in the brand.

✅3) Cost-effective Marketing

Click to WhatsApp Ads can be a cost-effective advertising option for businesses. Because users are taken directly to a chatbot with the business, there is no need for a landing page or website. This can reduce the cost per click and make the ad more affordable for businesses.

✅4) Increased brand visibility

Direct to WhatsApp Ads can also increase visibility for e-commerce businesses. Ads can be targeted based on a variety of factors, demographics and because WhatsApp is such a popular messaging app, brands can reach a broader audience than they would with traditional advertising channels.

✅5) Better audience targeting

WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging app, with over 4+ billion active users worldwide. It’s no surprise then, that businesses can easily connect with their customers. Hello24.ai is one such platform that is enabling businesses to run Direct to WhatsApp ads. Allowing them to engage with customers directly on the app. Click to WhatsApp Ads offers better targeting options for businesses than directing them to a landing page with a load of information. The message open rate on whatsapp is more than 95% across the industry.

Hence businesses can target and catch the right audiences who are more likely to engage with the ad and ensure to convert.

🗒️So here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create Direct or Click to WhatsApp ads

Picture showing FB ads getting connected to whatsapp via Direct to WhatsApp Ads by hello24.ai

✳️Step 1: Create a WhatsApp Account

To create a Direct to WhatsApp ad, you need a WhatsApp Account. If you already have a personal WhatsApp account, you can convert it to a business account or create a new one specifically for your business.

✳️Step 2: Set up WhatsApp API

To run Direct to WhatsApp ads, you need to integrate WhatsApp API with your advertising platform. You can do this by partnering with a WhatsApp Solution Provider (BSP) such as Hello24.ai and through Facebook’s Business Manager to set up WhatsApp API.

✳️Step 3: Create an Ad Campaign

After integrating WhatsApp API, create an ad campaign using Facebook Ads Manager. To set up your ad, go to Facebook Ads Manager and choose ‘WhatsApp’ as your ad placement. Then select the objective that aligns with your business goals, such as traffic or conversions.

✳️Step 4: Design Your Ad

Create an ad that’s visually appealing and includes a clear call-to-action (CTA) to encourage users to message you on WhatsApp. You can add images or videos, but ensure they comply with Facebook’s ad policies. Also, ensure that your ad copy aligns with your brand voice and messaging.

✳️Step 5: Set Up Your Ad Targeting

Define your target audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. You can also create custom audiences by uploading your customer data or retargeting users who have interacted with your business before.

✳️Step 6: Set Your Ad Budget and Schedule

Set a budget and bidding strategy that aligns with your campaign goals. You can choose between daily or lifetime budgets, and Facebook will optimize your ad delivery based on your bidding strategy. Also, schedule your ads to run at specific times of the day or days of the week.

✳️Step 7: Review and Launch Your Ad

Before launching your ad, review it to ensure everything is correct, including ad copy, images, targeting, budget, and bidding strategy. Once you’re satisfied, launch your ad, and it will start delivering to your target audience.

✳️Step 8: Monitor and Optimize Your Ad

Once your ad is live, monitor its performance to see how it’s performing against your goals. Use Facebook Ads Manager to track metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversions, and cost per action. If your ad isn’t performing as expected, make optimizations to improve its performance, such as adjusting your targeting or ad copy.

📢Final Statement – click to whatsapp ads Facebook (Meta)

In the climax, Direct to WhatsApp Ads by hello24.ai offers a unique advertising format for businesses. By providing a direct communication channel between the user and the business. These businesses can improve the customer experience, increase engagement and conversions, and reduce the cost of advertising. As WhatsApp continues to grow in popularity, Click to WhatsApp Ads can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to reach their customers and potential customers.

Picture showing book a demo call bu hello24.ai if you want to figure out whatsapp automation

About Hello24.ai

Hello24.ai is conversational commerce platform that helps companies to engage customers on WhatsApp. Our platform enable you to 

  • Double your sales with guided WhatsApp selling
  • Get 10x ROAS on marketing spends
  • Automate customer support queries

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