5 Things You Weren’t Told About Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Software

✅What is bulk WhatsApp marketing?

Bulk WhatsApp marketing refers to the practice of sending big volumes of messages to a broad audience using WhatsApp. This method leverages the platform’s popularity and direct communication features to promote products, services, or information to a large group of people simultaneously. Key aspects of bulk WhatsApp marketing include:

  1. Message Broadcasting: Sending the same message to multiple contacts at once, such as promotions, announcements, updates, or offers buy with hyper-personalisation.
  2. Automated Messaging: Using tools and software to schedule and automate the sending of messages to ensure timely delivery and consistent communication.
  3. Targeted Campaigns: Segmenting the audience to send personalized messages based on their interests, demographics, or behavior.
  4. Multimedia HD Content: Including images, videos, links, and other rich media to make messages more engaging and informative.
  5. Analytics and Tracking: Monitoring the performance of campaigns, such as delivery rates, open rates, and responses, to optimize future marketing efforts.

✅How can I send 5000 WhatsApp messages at once?

Yes, you can easily do this with the hello24ai whatsapp marketing software. The only condition is –

Remember: Building trust and loyalty with your audience/customers is the key to long-term success. Spamming people will only harm your brand.

✅What is the WhatsApp bulk limit?

WhatsApp by Meta has enforced several strict limits to prevent spam and ensure quality interactions. Must Know: The latest changes about per-user marketing template message limits 🔗(link here)

Here’s your breakdown of the whatsapp bulk limit:

📢WhatsApp Business App

Bulk WhatsApp Marketing campaign messages recipient
  • Broadcast List: You can create a broadcast list of up to 256 contacts.
  • Manual Sending: Messages must be sent manually to each recipient.

📢WhatsApp API

WhatsApp API offers a slot method for message limits:

  • Tier 1: 1,000 unique recipients per 24-48 hours. (only if your business is verified on Meta)
  • Tier 2: 10,000 unique recipients per 24-48 hours.
  • Tier 3: 100,000 unique recipients per 24-48 hours.
  • Tier 4: Unlimited unique recipients per 24-48 hours.

To move up these messaging slots, you need to consistently send broadcast message campaigns to your limit for a certain period without violating WhatsApp’s quality standards.

Also, read more about the WhatsApp Commerce policy here 🔗(link here)

📌Extremely Important Concerns:

  • Unique Number Recipients: The limits apply to unique recipients, not total messages sent.
  • Message Quality Rate: WhatsApp prioritizes quality interactions. Sending irrelevant or spammy messages can negatively impact your account’s status.
  • Opt-in: Ensure you ask users a permission or add a stop button for them to unsubscribe from your contacts list.

👉Remember: While these are the ways to increase your message limit, it’s essential to prioritize quality over quantity. Focus on building genuine connections with your audience rather than relying on mass messaging.

✅What is the cost of WhatsApp bulk sender?

Well, the Hello24ai whatsapp bulk sender starts from $40 (INR 3,000/-) a month. While the platform offers free conversations – for example: Hello24ai offers a starting of 5000 free conversations a month. The monthly “free conversations mentioned above are from hello24ai and not Meta”The conversation charge sheet country-wise from Meta is given here (link)

👉FYI: Hello24ai also has a save more on longer plans scheme – Ask For Quarterly & Yearly Discounts

✅Is WhatsApp bulk messaging legal?

WhatsApp bulk messaging can be legal if done in compliance with certain guidelines and regulations.

Also, ensure your users are aware that you have a whatsapp number. Do not spam them without:

  1. Relevance and Value:
    • Ensure that your messages are relevant and provide value to the recipients. This increases engagement and reduces the likelihood of complaints.
  2. Frequency:
    • Avoid sending messages too often to prevent annoyance and potential reports of spam.
  3. HyperPersonalization:
    • Personalize messages have the probability to make your audience more engaging and less likely to be perceived as spam.

✅How can I use WhatsApp bulk sender without getting banned?

While there might be technical ways to bypass WhatsApp’s restrictions, it’s crucial to understand that –

  • Why are you sending these messages on whatsapp?
  • Is your audience ok with getting messages from you?
  • Are they interested in knowing more about you on whatsapp?
  • Are they aware of your whatsapp number?
  • Are they already buying products or services on whatsapp?

Now once you have the answers to the above questions, then:-

  • Publish your whatsapp number on social media and else where your customers are interacting with you.
  • Don’t buy bulk numbers from those agencies to do a whatsapp blast – people hate spamming.
  • Have your brand mentions tagged with your whatsapp number so that the audience are aware that people are already interacting with you via WhatsApp.

✅How can I maximize my WhatsApp marketing?

WhatsApp marketing can be a powerful tool when used correctly. Here are some simple strategies to maximize its impact:

➡️Build a Strong Foundation

  • Obtain explicit consent: Ensure you have clear opt-in from customers to receive WhatsApp messages.
  • Choose the right platform: Decide between WhatsApp Business App or WhatsApp Business API based on your business size and needs.
  • Create a professional profile: Complete your business profile with accurate information, a profile picture, and a business description.
Bulk WhatsApp Marketing campaign results

➡️Effective Messaging

  • Personalize messages: Use customer names and preferences for a more personal touch.
  • Provide value: Offer helpful content, tips, or exclusive offers to build trust.
  • Use clear calls to action: Guide customers towards desired actions (e.g., purchase, inquiry, appointment).
  • Leverage interactive features: Use media, stickers, and emojis to enhance engagement.

➡️Build Relationships

  • Respond promptly: Aim to reply to messages within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Offer excellent customer service: Resolve issues efficiently and build customer loyalty.
  • Collect feedback: Use surveys or open-ended questions to understand customer needs.

➡️Measurement and Optimization

  • Track key metrics: Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  • A/B test messages: Experiment with different message formats and content to improve performance.
  • Refine your strategy: Continuously analyze results and make adjustments as needed.

✅How can I sell fast on WhatsApp?

  1. Build a Specific Targeted List of Customers Who are a sure shot to buy from you: Collect and segment contacts by interests and behavior. Also, tell them to tell the others.
  2. Craft Compelling Exclusive Offers: Promote exclusive deals and limited-time offers only for the whatsapp medium.
  3. Use Rich Media: Showcase products with high-quality images and videos that strike a cord or make meaning to your customers – try for impulsive buying.
  4. Leverage Hello24ai’s WhatsApp Tool: Use product catalogs, automated chatbot replies on specific text triggers, and integrate payment links for easy transactions – abandoned cart recovery, COD to prepaid conversion, re-order campaigns, etc. FYI: Stuck in the Funnel? Re-Engage Leads with Targeted Drip Campaigns on WhatsApp
  5. Engage, Optimize & Analyse: Respond fast, track performance, analyse pros + cons, and adjust strategies also based on customer feedback.
Bulk WhatsApp Marketing - Trending Now - No FOMO Sales

✅What not to do in WhatsApp marketing?

  • Spamming: Avoid bombarding customers with frequent, irrelevant messages – take consent.
  • Ignoring Customer Privacy: Respect user privacy by obtaining clear consent before sending promotional messages.  
  • Lack of Personalization: Generic messages are less engaging. Tailor content to individual preferences.  
  • Misleading Information: Be truthful and transparent in all communications. Don’t send generic or irrelevant messages; tailor content to the recipient’s create interests and needs.
  • Ignoring 24/7 x 365 Days Customer Service: Slow response times, longer TATand poor support can damage your reputation.

To maximize your WhatsApp marketing campaign efforts and avoid common pitfalls, focus on consent, relevance, and compliance.

Implementing best practices will enhance your engagement and drive better results.

Ready to see how it works in action? 

🗓️Book a demo to watch the Hello24ai bulk WhatsApp marketing software live and discover how it can transform your messaging strategy.

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